Every parent can attest to the fact that having a newborn isn’t an easy journey. Regardless, every arrival of a new little one is loaded with wonder and constitutes one of life’s remarkable milestones. Hence, Jaqi and Kevin Clements were over the moon when they found out they were expecting not just one, but two blessings. Their identical twin girls arrived earlier than expected, coming into the world both beautiful and healthy. The Clements family was thrilled to welcome their precious girls Ava Marie and Leah Rose in 2010, and little did they realize the unexpected turns that lay ahead for them. The exceptional beauty of the twins didn’t go unnoticed after their birth. Indeed, their extraordinary looks catapulted them into the limelight, earning them the title of ‘the most beautiful twins in the world.’ They are currently making waves in the modeling industry and they’ve already captured the affection of 1 million Instagram followers and counting. Their intriguing journey is filled with exciting changes and a plethora of stunning photos. Carry on reading for a peek into their distinct world, including some bonus tips for those aspiring for internet fame.
Making a Bold Entrance
On the 7th of July, 2010, Jaqi was taken by surprise when her infant daughters, Ava Marie and Leah Rose, arrived earlier than anticipated. The twins’ premature arrival initially shocked everyone, but as time went by, Jaqi realized the rationale behind their untimely birth. “They showed up four and a half weeks ahead of schedule. However, gauging their strong personalities now, it’s logical they would arrive ahead of time, without prior notice, ready to face anything,” expressed Jaqi. The girls’ inherent attractiveness was obvious from their birth – with their large cerulean eyes, plump cheeks, and even facial features, they had a distinct model-like appearance right from the beginning. This led to a continuous stream of praises from both relatives and strangers.
What Everyone Said
With little girls this lovely and adorable, people couldn’t resist complimenting them. From the moment they were born, Jaqi continually heard the same comment: “Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling.” Eventually, she decided to follow the advice and see if her little ones would take to modeling. Once the twins were six months old, the family inked a deal with an agency in Los Angeles. At the time, Jaqi was also taking care of their two-year-old son, so motherhood was as challenging as it was rewarding. To maintain balance, she decided to shorten the first modeling gig the girls appeared in, keeping it to just three months.
What the Twins Want
Jaqi initially concluded that her girls, Ava Marie and Leah Rose, were too young to start modeling and consequently, she chose to withdraw them without any remorse. However, as the situation began to shift gradually, she was faced with a critical choice. Given their young age, it was difficult to determine whether the girls might want to join the modeling industry. Jaqi’s aim was to back her children’s desires, not the recommendations of others. Therefore, she made a conscious decision to wait until the girls were at an age where they could express their preferences before contemplating the idea of modeling once more.
Waiting For The Right Time
As infants, Jaqi wasn’t confident that they could express their viewpoints or make their own choices. Thus, she and her spouse pondered over when to let the twins make their own decisions. Jaqi, being a strong believer in omens, always kept an open heart and mind. The fact that her lucky number was seven and that Ava and Leah were born on the seventh day of the seventh month seemed more than mere chance. Also, the notion of the twins turning seven on July 7, 2017 provided Jaqi with some indication on how to deal with her apprehension about the aspirations of her cherished girls.
The Girls’ Response
By the time Ava and Leah reached seven years old, they had developed their own personalities. They were involved in various extracurricular activities like swimming and dancing. According to Jaqi, the girls love to perform for anybody and everybody, a trait she and her husband don’t have. On their 7th birthday, she brought up the long-awaited plan, telling the girls that if they wanted to pursue modelling, in addition to their weekly dance and swim classes, they could give it a try. And the twins’ response? “They started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin,” said Jaqi.
The Modeling Begins Again
The transition back to modelling was smoother for Jaqi and her twins. Luckily, their neighbor had recently opened a children’s boutique and she needed models to help market her new business. Ava and Leah were given the job without a moment’s hesitation. Because the girls were still very young, Jaqi took things slowly. She knew that wearing excessive makeup and a variety of pretty clothes could be unhealthy for their development. So, she took the matter into her hands and “put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush” and snapped their photos using her decade-old Nikon camera.
Ironing Out the Wrinkles
During her first shoot with the twins, Jaqi had to cut them a lot of slack. Despite their stunning looks, Ava and Leah didn’t have a natural understanding of how to model. “Ava would look at the camera while Leah would stare off into space… Leah would accidentally bump into Ava who of course thought it was on purpose and would shove her back,” Jaqi said. Jaqi worried that it would be difficult to get the twins back with an agent after their first attempt six years ago. Still, she called her old contacts and to her surprise, they ended up inking deals with not one but two agencies.
The Double Agency Predicament
Little did Jaqi realize that having two agencies would put them in trouble rather than giving her daughters more opportunity and exposure. Everything was turning okay until one of the agencies gave her a call. “Hi, we wanted to let you know we were able to get the girls straight through to a callback for a Barbie Audition tomorrow,” the agent told Jaqi. Of course, she was overjoyed with the good news but she panicked because her girls had the same audition with their other agent. So she told the truth and the issues got fixed in no time.
Instagram Explosion
In July 2017 Jaqi created an Instagram account for the girls called @clementstwins. Though she was clueless as to the ins-and-outs of social media promotion. The girls had 380,000 followers after just five months. The aim of the account was to serve as a portfolio for agencies and to earn a huge fanbase. These goals were rapidly achieved thanks to the charm and beauty of the twins. She also let one of their biggest secrets to success slip: “One thing I know for sure, it’s ALL about the pictures… so don’t settle for an average photographer because you want to save a few dollars.”
It Runs in the Blood
The Clements family experienced a stellar 2017. Along with Ava and Leah’s advancements in the modeling industry, Jaqi believed it was going to be a fortunate and thrilling year, considering 7 is their lucky digit. Ava and Leah’s achievements in the modeling realm are largely due to their inherited traits. Therefore, it’s only natural that their elder brother Chase also exhibited modeling skills. He inked a deal with the same modeling firm and has shown a penchant for acting. It’s possible that you may have spotted him in a couple of adverts. The family’s striking physical attributes and talent surely go hand in hand!
The Highs and Lows
As soon as the public were introduced to the twins, love for them grew like crazy. Not long after they decided to give modeling a try, Lea and Avah had completed six jobs in the span of a week. They loved every minute of it and wanted to do more. Jaqi, meanwhile, was new to the modeling business and figuring everything out as she went along. As the years progress, she’s learning more about the industry and says there are ups and downs. On her blog, she wrote that one of the most important things she’s learned is, “before trusting someone to guide you, make sure you know who you are getting involved with.”
Finding The Right Assistance
One of the hardest challenges Jaqi and her girls consistently encounter in their modeling life is LA traffic. Their several weekly trips into downtown Los Angeles can sometimes turn into 6-hour-long roundtrip drives. Although this journey is challenging and exhausting, they have little choice but to deal with it. Jaqi always does thorough research before getting her kids involved in anything, and she ignores any negativity directed at her daughters or her family. She feels a lot of anxiety and pressure to safeguard her family and fight back, but then reminds herself, “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”
“They Look Sad”
Ava and Leah frequently receive a comment that they look sad all the time. Some people even take this to mean that they’re being pushed to model and that they aren’t enjoying their job. The girls respond that some photoshoots are supposed to be more serious than others. Some people think the girls are too young to be exposed to makeup and “grownup clothes.” Jaqi’s response is: “ln every job the girl’s book through their agency, or any professional photo shoot they attend, there is a hired hair and makeup artist on set. Why!? Because that’s how the industry works.”
They Do Other Things Too
Jaqi knew they’d never be able to please everyone, so despite receiving endless negative comments from the public about Leah and Ava’s modeling career, she and her daughters take comfort in the fact that they know they haven’t been forced into modeling. Aside from modeling, the twins are still average little girls. They play around during photo shoots and sometimes get on each other’s nerves. They still love dancing and often do it in front of the camera before they begin modeling.
The Benefits of Modeling
Even though life as models can be incredibly exhausting, it has been fundamental in unitifying the Clements family. They view every journey as a chance to bond more and create new friendships along the way. Apart from cherishing increased family moments and encountering peers, the twins consistently receive a variety of clothes and products to test. They are ecstatic about trying these items and acknowledge the companies who sent the presents through their photoshoots.
Instagram Success
Gaining a huge fan base in a short amount of time is no easy feat. Just as the twins’ Though their account earned more than 300,000 followers in a short amount of time, Jaqi knew she had to learn all the tricks to turn her little girls from Instagram novices into superstars. Knowing very little about social media, she had to strategize to win the attention of the public. To make sure that people don’t get bored of your social media, Jaqi recommends to post in moderation. She explained that if you overpost, people will likely unfollow you because you’re consuming too much of their entire timeline.
The Importance of Hashtags
A key element to highlight regarding Ava and Leah’s Instagram account is the use of hashtags. Jaqi, being the devoted mother she is, took the time to study and uncover a system that allows her daughters to gain the maximum visibility without inundating their posts with too many hashtags. She disclosed that she uses similar hashtags to those employed by other models of the same age to attract the attention of social media users. Consequently, they gain exposure to those who are following the other models’ accounts. This is a logical strategy, don’t you think? Stay tuned to uncover more successful social media tactics.
Tags Result To More Likes
Aside from using hashtags on the girls’ social media accounts, Jaqi also considered other important factors. To ensure and maintain the success of the twins’ Instagram account, tagging people is also incredibly crucial. Aside from showing their appreciation for photographers, makeup artists, and designers, tagging also brings up their Instagram account when someone searches for those people. Moreover, Jaqi recommends to tag these people both in the photo and in the comments section to make sure that the tag doesn’t go unnoticed. Simple yet effective tricks like these have led to more likes and publicity for the twins.
Following Others To Boost Your Profile
Also, remember that when you’re running a popular Instagram account, you want to follow certain people to increase your chances that they will follow you. During the early phase of her relationship with Instagram, Jaqi followed other child models, children’s stores, photographers, makeup artists, and more. And the girls drew a big following in just a short period. But, Jaqi learned that she had to be selective with the people she wanted to follow. She reviewed the accounts carefully and followed only the most relevant accounts.
The Comments Section
Several factors were instrumental in the tremendous growth of the twins’ Instagram account, with the comments section playing an integral role. Jaqi leveraged this feature strategically, engaging with the posts of other models, photographers, and makeup artists in an attempt to establish contacts and stimulate discussions. She highlighted the importance of maximizing the use of the comments section as a tool to build constructive relationships and connect with other influential figures in your field.
Effective Trends
Over time, Jaqi discovered multiple strategies that effectively boosted her daughters’ social media presence. She found out that certain kinds of pictures were more popular with the audience. Initially, she believed that the appeal of the photographs would largely depend on their theme and mood and that the twins’ images would garner likes irrespective of these factors. Undeniably, the twins’ natural charm and looks were the key drivers behind their extensive fan base. However, the Clements family started noticing that photographs in which Ava and Leah’s similar characteristics, such as their expressive eyes, were displayed side by side, received more likes. These distinctive images captivated people, prompting them to like and follow.
Their Fashionable Outfits
When the girls were just starting off with their modeling career, it wasn’t only their striking looks and similarities that caught the attention of the public, it was also their fashionable outfits. To make sure her daughters were always dressed to perfection, Jaqi would borrow clothes from their neighbor who owns a kids’ boutique. To return the favor, she would advertise the shop on their Instagram page. Apparently, it was a win-win situation for both parties as people continue to be impressed by the trendy clothes the girls wear. The shop has earned plenty of positive reviews and more clients as a result.
Honesty Is Always The Best Policy
The Clements twins’ modeling journey has been an endless learning experience for the whole family. They are still figuring out the ins-and-outs of the industry, and one of the most significant lessons they’ve learned is that honesty is indeed the best policy, always. They learned that whether they are working with an agency, other models, or a professional photographer, saying whatever is on your mind helps keep things clear between everyone. It also helps you develop a reputation as a person of integrity in the business. The Clements have found that being honest has helped them establish happy and healthy relationships among their colleagues and with their fanbase.
They Will Only Stay If They Want To
In the Clements household, the unspoken rule is that their tenure in the modeling industry will only continue as long as it brings joy and everyone remains content. The children’s parents are eager and pleased to foster their aspirations, contingent on their kids’ contentment. They would never insist on their children remaining in the field. Jaqi and her spouse are constantly there to support them. If at any point the children choose to withdraw, their parents would fully endorse this decision. The paramount concern always remains their well-being and happiness.
Making New Friends
The modeling industry has a lot of benefits, and the Clements twins got to experience them at a very young age. Jaqi revealed that one of the major advantages of having her daughters in the modeling industry is all the friends they make along the way. On her blog, Jaqi shared how much Ava and Leah value friendships. She wrote: “[They] meet a new ‘friend’ for 10 minutes at an audition or a shoot and are already asking me if this new friend can be their cousin, because a simple friendship just doesn’t quite express the love they have for their new friend.”
The Modeling Industry Isn’t Cheap
The twins’ mommy would also like to make it clear that just because her daughters are constantly booking jobs, this doesn’t mean that their family is rich. Jaqi revealed that they have to budget for gas, food, and headshots to keep up with the job. Jaqi uses her blog as a platform to share every memorable experience and all the challenges. “I guess if you really put it all into perspective, the money we as parents put out now… will allow them to make their own money they can use towards college or a car or a house in the future,” she writes.
Be Careful Who You Trust
Reflecting on her family’s journey in the modeling industry, Jaqi shared on her blog: “This by far has been one of the most stressful, upsetting, mind-boggling, and biggest lessons I’ve learned in this industry so far.” She is referring to the fact that you should be wary of who you trust. She pointed out that when choosing an agent or industry professional to work with, it’s crucial that you hire someone who values your kids’ best interests. Doing a little research on the person will save you and your family a lot of trouble. Indeed, trust is important.
The Clements Have Good Genes
Are you wondering where the Clements twins and their brother got their stunning good looks? Wonder no more as one look at their parents will answer your question. Their beautiful genes are undeniably strong. This photo that looks like it came straight from a magazine. The Clements are indeed one good-looking family. We’ve witnessed Jaqi even models with her daughters sometimes, and we’re quite sure their dad could work the camera pretty well too!
New Adventures
Though there’s endless backlash, particularly claims that the twins are being forced to model, the girls couldn’t care less. Mean comments are simply dismissed. Instead of getting affected, the kids just focus on what they enjoy most – modeling. Leah and Ava insist that they love the job. But what is it about modeling that’s so appealing? “They like the new adventures we go on every week, never knowing where we will end up, but looking forward to a new experience,” Jaqi explained on her blog. The adventures that characterize their modeling journey bring immense joy and valuable lessons they will treasure for a lifetime.
Bonding With Mom
With Jaqi being mom and manager in one package, Leah and Ava get to spend a lot of quality time with her. Their modeling career may be action-packed, but they are happy that they get to see their mother a lot. The work has established a mother-daughter bond that will last a lifetime. Jaqi explained, “They like spending time in the car with each other and with me… having some girl time together.” They also love making super sweet appreciation posts, sharing how much they love each other.
Nevermind the Negativity
Despite the love, Jaqi is regularly attacked with negative comments. Instead of getting affected, she says she doesn’t really pay attention to it. Jaqi knew it would be a waste of time defending her daughters and her family from online abuse. They know the truth, they know they’re happy, and that’s all that matters to them. “I definitely don’t give any light to negative comments because I know myself that they are untrue and that’s really all that matters,” Jaqi said in reply to a comment on her blog.
Negating Negativity
Even though Jaqi doesn’t like the negative comments, there’s little she can do about it. So, what does she do to keep her sanity when strangers insist on judging her and her daughters? Well, she knows that she cannot stop them, so she just lets them be. On her blog, Jaqi revealed her effective response to their critics, writing: “I welcome people to comment… good or bad. I don’t plan on deleting anyone’s comments, even if they are negatively directed towards me because everyone is entitled to express how they feel.”
Speaking Up Matters
As in any industry, modeling requires you to speak up and establish a clear understanding with your colleagues and followers. While it can be tough to do this, it’s important that you be honest about how you feel. Jaqi replied to a commenter who, just like her, has kids in the modeling industry but was afraid to speak up about the way people treat them. “I don’t want to do or say anything that will jeopardize anything for my kids but at the same time, enough is enough. If I can prevent others from going through what we have been through then it’s worth the fight!,” Jaqi wrote.
No Slowing Down
The Clements twins are not letting up in their modeling journey. Despite still being in elementary school, they’re carving out a successful empire for themselves. Their impressive 1.1 million Instagram following stands testament to their fantastic modeling skills and influence on social media. Ava and Leah have also branched out by kickstarting their own YouTube channel, where they offer a peek into their lives through vlogs. We are quite confident that it will gain significant popularity. It is clear that the Clements twins are on track to become some of the most popular models on Instagram.
Building Their Stellar Portfolios
As the Clemets twins age, more avenues for modeling are opening up for them. Top-tier fashion magazines and renowned apparel brands are keen on Ava and Leah being their models, and the outcome is astounding. The girls have amassed an extraordinary collection of captivating photos, shot by top-notch photographers. Given their attractiveness and charisma, it would not be shocking to see them get even bigger opportunities in the forthcoming years. Coupled with their immense Instagram fan base, Ava and Leah have a promising future in store. Wishing you all the very best, Leah and Ava!
An Amazing Life
Ava and Leah Clements became professional models at a very young age – when they were seven years old. The past year has been especially exciting for the twins and their mom Jaqi. Months after they became professional models on July 7, 2017, the Daily Mail featured the girls and their modeling journey. And it’s been a steep upward trajectory from there. Jaqi said “the girls have had an amazing ride so far.” From luxurious shopping treats from different brands all over the world to taking photos with their fans, the twins are lucky to have their mom supporting them through every step of their modeling career.
A Lesson In Speaking Up![]()
Throughout all their challenges, Jaqi has learned that it’s not always good to keep quiet. Sometimes, the best thing to do would be to speak up, especially if you need to defend yourself or your loved ones. Even though Jaqi was scared that speaking up could hinder the young girls’ blooming careers, she eventually realized that she could protect them better by actually saying something and not remaining silent.
While the parents of the Clements twins have shown immense backing for their children, numerous online critics have been rather disapproving of their actions. Notwithstanding the budding careers of the girls as juvenile models and social influencers, a portion of the populace asserts that they are merely being exploited for financial gain. Commentators on the community-driven platform Reddit have even suggested that the Clements are depriving the twins of their childhood through early exposure to modelling.
Facing Backlash
The family has been enduring continual criticism on social media. A Reddit user cited the example of her own eight-year-old child, insisting that she would never use her child to gain money or social media approval, such as Instagram likes. This Reddit commenter also criticized the quantity of makeup the girls were regularly seen wearing, and the extensive photo editing their images underwent. It’s obvious that the Clements’ methods of raising their children do not sit well with all parents.
Jaqi Responds
Jaqi finally responds to all the haters and critics, saying that the reason why they’re doing all these is simply that the girls love modeling. She claims that not a single thing was forced upon them – they chose to do it themselves. The only thing she did was to suggest the activity. At that time, they were already taking dance classes and attending swim team practices weekly. When they took their mother’s advice to try modeling, they fell in love with it almost instantly
Expensive Lifestyle
Jaqi shared that their way of living turned costly when the girls embarked on their modeling careers. Naturally, she wholeheartedly supported them, witnessing their enthusiasm to start this new chapter of their lives as models. Jaqi even mentioned that the girls could hardly contain their excitement, bouncing up and down with joy.
Only Making Enough
Jaqi also tackled the misconception that the parents of the Clement twins were enjoying significant financial gains because of their children’s modelling work. She clarified that, surprisingly, they were actually incurring more losses than profits as their children had a lot of associated expenses.
Future Investment
Jaqi attested that she has no remorse for allocating a significant amount of money towards her children’s professions. She perceives their transition from modeling enthusiasts to professionals as a financial investment for the twins’ impending future. The idea is that their earnings from modeling could eventually finance their personal necessities like a car, or even their tertiary education. Certainly, Jaqi cherishes the thought of her children being able to do so.
Jaqi Strikes Back
Jaqi responded to remarks implying that her kids seem distressed or dissatisfied with their lives. Out of everything that was speculated about her family, this assumption was what she found the least favorable. It seemed as though many individuals jumped to conclusions like they had personal knowledge of the family. “Have you considered that perhaps modeling brings them joy?” The young mother probes, before self-assuredly responding to her own query with, “It does.”
The Twins’ Happiness Comes First
Jaqi made a firm point: Ava and Leah’s well-being always takes precedence over anything else. She expressed her gratitude for everyone’s concern about her children, but she reassured everyone by stating unequivocally that they’re doing great. She revealed that her kids regularly interact with a multitude of friends every day. Moreover, she cautioned against making assumptions based solely on a staged photo, asserting it couldn’t possibly encapsulate their personalities or living conditions.

What’s Next For The Twins?
At the moment, the twins are still pursuing their education at the elementary level, suggesting they have much more to experience in life. The bright side is their modeling career, which is flourishing commendably. Their schedule is packed with gigs and the momentum shows no sign of diminishing in the near future.
Exciting Times
In a conversation with Buzzfeed, Jaqi revealed that her daughters are immensely enjoying their journey so far. The past year, in particular, brought several novel experiences for the girls, like exclusive shopping experiences, collaborations with brands, and encounters with their dedicated fan base. All these experiences are adding to their excitement about what lies ahead in their modeling careers.
Breaking Past One Million
Are you aware that these girls have surpassed the one million mark in terms of Instagram followers? And what’s even more astonishing is that the number continues to rise. It certainly won’t be a shocker if they have as many followers as famous industry celebrities like Gigi and Bella Hadid in the coming years.
Ten-Year-Old Wonders
Despite being just eight years old, Ava and Leah are already attractive propositions for numerous fashion magazines and apparel brands. A multitude of leading photographers, makeup professionals, and hairstylists from the industry have had the pleasure of working with the pair. A wave of excitement permeates the industry as many more anticipate the chance to collaborate with them.
Hustling Young
The twins have already collaborated with a Canadian children’s clothing company called Hudson + Hobbes. Their product range with the company is described as “girly, sporty, comfortable, and stylish” according to their Instagram post. This is undoubtedly an impressive accomplishment for their tender age.
New Business Opportunities
The girls have yet another venture to their credit – Nail and Bone, a brand that sells cruelty-free, vegan nail polish. Its admirable history includes contributing 20% of its earnings to philanthropic causes that support pet adoption and rescue. Collaborating with the twins led to the introduction of two fresh nail polish hues labeled Hope and Courage.
Hardworking Girls
Clearly, establishing a thriving career in modeling requires a hefty investment of time and effort. Regardless of their tender age, the girls show significant eagerness to do whatever’s necessary to excel in the industry. As recounted by their parents back in 2017, the twins demonstrated immense commitment by signing up for as many as six modeling assignments within a single week. This degree of dedication is undeniably impressive for such young individuals.
Celebrities Spotted With Wearables Fitness Trackers
- Thanks to “True Blood,” Joe Manganiello became a household name.His watch, the Moto 360, is also well-known for its outstanding aesthetics.This tracker costs over $300, keeping it out of reach for the average Joe.For $300, you receive not just a lovely circular timepiece, but also a water-resistant smartwatch that tracks your vitals and connects you to the internet through WiFi.
- Pharelle’s fondness for his Apple Watch may be seen in episodes of “The Voice.”Pharell has always been a stylish individual.Everyone wants to replicate Pharrell’s style, therefore if he wears anything, it will most certainly become a fashion trend.
- Colbert followed Carson, and the Apple Watch followed Stephen Colbert’s preferred tracker, Pebble.It’s expected that he’ll keep upgrading to new Pebbles as they become available.For now, the Grey Pebble’s black and white e-ink display is where he receives all of his alerts and fitness statistics.
- Brittney Spears has been seen wearing a variety of wearables, but the Garmin Vivofit seems to be her favorite.This gadget measures your exercise levels and offers a specific daily target for you at a fair price of $100.The Vivofit monitors not just your steps but also your heart rate and sleep quality.
- The Misfit Shine is worn by Adrien Grenier.Misfit is touted as the “wear it everywhere” tracker since it can be worn on any part of your body and still collect data.It’s a gadget that practically everybody can afford at a price of $69.99.It tracks your steps, calories burned, distance traveled, and sleep.
Mortgage Facts That May Surprise You
- Downton Abbey, which covers the history of a fictitious British family, is Katharine McPhee’s favorite show.The program draws you in with just the perfect mix of drama, mystery, and romance.You can’t help but get caught up in the family drama, which is similar to an evening soap but considerably classier.
- Those who like words may have spotted a macabre, frightening phrase lurking in the mortgage prefix.You are not incorrect if you believe you witnessed death there.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it comes from Old French.The beginning is “mort,” which means “dead,” and the conclusion is “gage,” which means “pledge.”The term “mortgage” literally means “death promise.”
- In late 1981, mortgage interest rates skyrocketed to absurdly high levels.The average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate loan at the time was 18.45 percent.Market developments, a recession, rising unemployment, and the central bank’s effort to stabilize the economy all contributed to these dramatic increases.
- They believe that whatever goes up must come down.After 30 years, the average interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage had plummeted to 3.31 percent, a record low.Even lower than that, 15-year fixed-rate mortgage rates had dropped below 3%.We can tell that rates change simply by looking at history.Waiting for lower interest rates to purchase a home may not be a good idea, since rates are just as likely to rise as they are to fall.
- While having a poor credit score isn’t ideal, having no credit score is far worse.Having no record of paying your bills on time makes it harder for a lender to show that you pay your obligations, even though many thrifty individuals choose to pay cash for items to avoid overspending (good for you!).A credit report is used to supply them with this credit history.It enables potential mortgage lenders to assess whether you’ll take the loan seriously and work diligently to repay it.
- This is a lot of fun.Some individuals benefit from very low loan rates, such as Mark Zuckerberg, who pays just 1.05 percent on his almost $6 million house.Because the current rate of inflation is between 2 and 3 percent, and the Facebook CEO’s interest rate is much below that, he is effectively borrowing money for nothing!
- You scrimped and saved to have a large chunk of coin in the bank (congrats! ), but your monthly income—or, more precisely, your debt-to-income ratio, which compares what you owe or pay on a monthly basis to what you earn—is more crucial.Money in the bank, on the other hand, isn’t always a negative thing, particularly if it’s used to aid with a down payment.Being able to satisfy your monthly financial responsibilities on a consistent basis, on the other hand, is king.
Watches Worn By The Most Famous Celebrities
- Due to its enormous popularity, the Rolex Daytona has a lengthy waiting list.The watch was designed to look like a racing and was debuted in 1963 as a functional luxury timepiece.John Meyer, Leonard DiCaprio, and Jason Bateman are among the celebs who favor the simplistic design.
- The IWC Portofino is a timepiece that can be worn with any clothing and at any time.Because of its clean lines and simplicity, its design is ageless.Because of its subtlety, this watch is popular among celebrities.Kate Mara and Emily Ratajkowski have both been seen wearing the IWC.
- The Presidents watch is a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Day Date watch.Why?Because there have been so many presidents of the United States who have owned one.This 18k gold Rolex classic is a Rolex classic.The watch was the first waterproof chronograph watch, and it was introduced in 1956.It’s considered a status symbol, which is why we see it on celebrities’ wrists so often.
- Cartier Ballon Bleu, a contemporary classic, is a favorite of the British royal family.Cartier was referred to by King Edward VII as “the jeweler of kings and the king of jewelers.”This watch is quite popular among Hollywood actresses.So you’ll see it on the wrists of Kris Jenne and Sofia Vergara, as well as the Duchess of Sussex.
- The name Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Quartz is a mouthful.Even so, it’s become fashionable among Hollywood’s elite; John Legend, Jay Z, and Usher have all been sighted wearing one.While this is a high-end watch, it is composed of stainless steel rather than a precious metal.
These Celebrities Are Secret Gamers By Night
- Another celebrity that is hooked with the Halo series is Zac Efron, who likes Halo 3.He was nearly dumped by now-ex-girlfriend Vanessa Hudges at the Midnight Madness Launch Event in L.A. after he spent more time with his internet pals than with her.
- Jessica Alba, a mother of two, says her Wii has helped her keep her post-baby figure in shape.”With the Wii,” she said, “you’re up on your feet and moving about.”The physical part is fantastic, especially for children.It’s referred to as the ‘Wii Diet.’Alba and her children seem to be in a win-win situation.
- Mila Kunis has confessed to having a Call of Duty addiction.The actress also enjoys playing the game War of Witchcraft.She stated she enjoys fighting Nazi zombies and admits she isn’t very skilled at it, but it is a lot of fun for her.
- Jodi Foster, an Oscar winner, is a huge fan of Guitar Hero.She claims she has no musical skill, which is one of the reasons she enjoys the game so much.She has been cited as statingThe nice thing about ‘Guitar Hero’ is that you can simply (push the buttons and) say ‘blue, green, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green, blue, green, green
- Daniel Craig, the actor who plays James Bond, enjoys playing Halo.However, it seems that this game brought him into some issues with his ex-girlfriend Suki Mitchelle, who became enraged whenever she discovered him playing it.He just claimed that he like it since it allowed him to shoot aliens.
Celebrity Investors Who Picked The Right Stocks
- Justin Beiber has made investments in Spotify as well as other firms.Despite the fact that his music career has taken up a lot of his time, he still finds time to invest part of his income – and earn even more money.His first investment was in Spotify, which went public in April 2018.Bieber invested $1 million in Shots Studios, which then started its own record label.
- Jessica Alba is most known for her work as an actor, but her true calling is as an entrepreneur.Alba launched The Honest Firm, a consumer goods company, in 2011.Moms liked the goods since they were produced with natural components.The corporation was worth $1.7 billion at its peak in 2015.
- Justin Beiber has made investments in Spotify as well as other firms.Despite the fact that his music career has taken up a lot of his time, he still finds time to invest part of his income – and earn even more money.His first investment was in Spotify, which went public in April 2018.Bieber invested $1 million in Shots Studios, which then started its own record label.
- Jessica Alba is most known for her work as an actor, but her true calling is as an entrepreneur.Alba launched The Honest Firm, a consumer goods company, in 2011.Moms liked the goods since they were produced with natural components.The corporation was worth $1.7 billion at its peak in 2015.
Celebrities Who Use Veneers To Get The Perfect Smile
- Surprisingly, George Clooney has veneers!Clooney, who is often regarded as one of Hollywood’s most attractive leading men, was not born with a flawless grin.You’ll see images of George Clooney with less-than-ideal teeth from his early years in Hollywood.He finally had a complete set of veneers, as well as a few additional cosmetic dental treatments.
- Tom Cruise’s million-dollar grin is thanks in part to dental procedures.Cruise is simply another member of Hollywood’s elite who wears a mask.He had stained and crooked teeth as a young actor.Cruise had a number of dental operations, including teeth whitening and straightening, but it seems that dental veneers were ultimately required.
Watches Worn By The Most Famous Celebrities
- The IWC Portofino is a timepiece that can be worn with any clothing and at any time.Because of its clean lines and simplicity, its design is ageless.Because of its subtlety, this watch is popular among celebrities.Kate Mara and Emily Ratajkowski have both been seen wearing the IWC.
- Cartier Ballon Bleu, a contemporary classic, is a favorite of the British royal family.Cartier was referred to by King Edward VII as “the jeweler of kings and the king of jewelers.”This watch is quite popular among Hollywood actresses.So you’ll see it on the wrists of Kris Jenne and Sofia Vergara, as well as the Duchess of Sussex.
- Due to its enormous popularity, the Rolex Daytona has a lengthy waiting list.The watch was designed to look like a racing and was debuted in 1963 as a functional luxury timepiece.John Meyer, Leonard DiCaprio, and Jason Bateman are among the celebs who favor the simplistic design.
- The Presidents watch is a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Day Date watch.Why?Because there have been so many presidents of the United States who have owned one.This 18k gold Rolex classic is a Rolex classic.The watch was the first waterproof chronograph watch, and it was introduced in 1956.It’s considered a status symbol, which is why we see it on celebrities’ wrists so often.
- The name Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Quartz is a mouthful.Even so, it’s become fashionable among Hollywood’s elite; John Legend, Jay Z, and Usher have all been sighted wearing one.While this is a high-end watch, it is composed of stainless steel rather than a precious metal.
Hard-to-Believe (and Interesting!) Insurance Facts
- You may be aware that your homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage, but you may not be aware of everything that it does.Volcanoes and even meteors, for example, are frequently covered by home insurance coverage.Earthquake damage, like water damage, is typically not insured.It’s advisable to study your policy carefully or speak with insurance agent to learn precisely what is and isn’t covered so you can determine whether or not to purchase additional coverage, such as earthquake coverage.(Earthquakes sometimes strike in unexpected areas; a large one struck Missouri many years ago.)
- Many emergency room visits are not true emergencies; instead, patients may be treated by their primary care doctors or at an urgent-care facility.Visiting an emergency department is expensive:According to Debt.org, “it is projected that more than $18 billion might be saved annually if people with ‘avoidable’ or ‘non-urgent’ medical issues took use of primary or preventive healthcare rather than relying on ERs for their medical requirements.”For example, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island recently discovered that 40% of the emergency room visits it covers, totaling $90 million in treatment (as of 2018), were unnecessary.It was able to cut emergency department utilization by several percentage points, saving the insurer and eventually the customer around $4.5 million in costs avoided.Another crucial benefit is that emergency rooms become less packed, allowing individuals who actually need medical attention to be treated sooner.
- You’re certainly aware that credit scores affect the mortgage interest rates you’re given, but you may not be aware that “credit-based insurance scores” also have an impact on the insurance premiums you’re quoted — and in some cases, rather dramatically.When allowed, around 95 percent of all vehicle insurance and 85 percent of all house insurers utilize FICO ratings, according to Fair Isaac, the corporation behind them.(A few jurisdictions, including California, Maryland, and Massachusetts, have restrictions or outright bans on their usage.)The insurance firms believe that ratings based on how you handle your money will predict how likely you are to submit insurance claims.According to a research from TheZebra.com, “Poor credit drivers may have to pay twice as much for vehicle insurance as those with excellent credit.Improving your credit score from poor to exceptional will save you 53 percent (more than $1,400) on average “”This is the year.”Fortunately, there are certain things you may do to improve your credit score.
- Many homeowners’ insurance plans exclude you from owning specific breeds of dogs as pets because they might create complications.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs each year, with roughly 20% of dog bites requiring medical care.According to the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm, homeowner insurers reported $686 million in liability claims linked to dog attacks and other dog-related incidents in 2017.Akitas, mastiffs, pit bulls, Alaskan malamutes, and Rottweilers are typically excluded from regular insurance.You may pay extra to add coverage for your dog if necessary, or you can look around for an insurance that does.
- When your teens start driving, you’ll confront more than just college costs:You’ll also need to cover them with auto insurance, which may be pretty costly.”A parent adding a male adolescent to their policy may anticipate their new premium to run as high as $6,186, and in certain circumstances 227 percent more than insuring an adult driver alone,” according to insurance.com, “and a kid purchasing their own coverage can be much more costly.”Sixteen-year-olds have twice as many accidents as 18- and 19-year-olds, and adding a 16-year-old to your insurance may cost you $3,000 or $4,000 or more, depending on whether the girl or boy is a female or a guy.(If you need this kind of insurance, search around since premiums may vary greatly.)
- Many Americans have health insurance provided by their employers, either for themselves or for themselves and their spouses, or for themselves, their wives, and their children.That is self-evident.Starbucks, on the other hand, has taken employer-sponsored health insurance a step further in China, extending coverage to employees’ parents.It is only available to employees who have worked for the firm for at least two years, and it covers severe sickness for up to 30 diseases for parents who are under 75 and reside in China.It seems to be a savvy business move in a nation where many employees feel a strong sense of responsibility for their parents, and it might help Starbucks become a more competitive employer.It’s not out of the question that new types of insurance may become accessible to Americans as well.For example, we didn’t always have pet insurance.
Hard-to-Believe Insurance Facts
- The Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was received with vehement opposition from many Americans, as well as strong support from others, and many Republicans have worked for years to repeal or undermine it, with some success.However, millions of Americans seem to be unaware that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are the same thing, and many people who dislike Obamacare support the Affordable Care Act.According to a Morning Consult survey from 2017, “35% of respondents either felt Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were separate programs (17%) or didn’t know whether they were the same or different (18%).”
- Another aspect of the Affordable Care Act that many people dislike is that it is causing significant changes in the American healthcare system.The business has been shifting from a fee-for-service approach to a value-based strategy as millions more people are insured, many of whom are in poor health and need extensive treatment.Doctors and the healthcare sector profit from providing services to you under the fee-for-service paradigm.This isn’t inherently a terrible thing, but it does provide incentives for the medical sector to order more tests than required, conduct more operations than necessary, and propose more costly therapies, among other things.The value-based paradigm, which focuses on outcomes rather than services, may keep people healthy while while saving money.Doctors and hospitals, for example, might make more money if their patients grow better, remain healthy, and don’t return to the hospital shortly after being released.This strategy can keep people healthy while while lowering expenses, allowing insurers to charge reduced rates.
- Insurance salesmen, insurance papers, and all of that may have been difficult to fathom hundreds of years ago, but that doesn’t imply it didn’t exist.Indeed, insurance is said to have first appeared in history in China about 3000 B.C.Merchants that depended on ship delivery for their commodities were vulnerable to shipwrecks.As a result, some people gathered together and divided their commodities among a number of ships, hoping that a single shipwreck would harm each of them somewhat but not result in a complete loss.Modern insurance operates in a similar fashion, with money collected and pooled by insurers before being paid out in claims.
- The Philadelphia Contributionship, which was created in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin and others, is America’s oldest and continually operational insurance firm.It was inspired by the English insurance firms that sprang up in the aftermath of London’s Great Fire of 1666, when a group of Philadelphians banded together to protect each other financially from fire damage.Even even had construction codes that covered houses had to follow, and it hired a chimney sweep to clean the chimneys of insured residences.
- These are just a few of the unexpectedly fascinating aspects of the insurance industry to learn about.The more you know, the more money you can save — or, at the very least, the most fascinating person at the events you attend.
- If you’re like most Americans, you’re behind on your retirement savings by a few years (or more).However, a few little-known “Social Security secrets” may be able to help you increase your retirement income.For instance, one simple method may get you an extra $17,166 every year!We believe that once you understand how to optimize your Social Security benefits, you will be able to retire with confidence and the peace of mind that we all want.To understand more about these tactics, just go to this link.